Mandalay CS 3.2ConfigurationTicketingHow to change the number decimal places for weights on a ticket

How to change the number decimal places for weights on a ticket

The default number of decimal places used for tonnage based weights in Mandalay is 2. Any scale readings and the weights shown on a ticket will show weight to this number of decimal places.

The following article explains how to change the number of decimal places that weights are shown in.

Note: This change affects both the scale reading in ticketing and the weights displayed on the ticket. It is not possible to to have separate setting.

Default Setting

Default Setting

The default setting for Tonne based scales is 2 decimal places. Any weight values shown on tickets will be rounded to be displayed with 2 decimal places.

Configure the number of decimal places

Configure the number of decimal places

To adjust the setting start the Configuration Manager program and go to the Hardware tab. Set the decimal places to the required level. Click Ok to save the changes and restart Ticketing.

Weights with 3 decimal places

Weights with 3 decimal places

This example shows what occurs if the Default decimal places is set to 3.