Facility Management - Layout and Navigation

1. Home Page Layout

Note: This screen shot is based on a Premium subscription to Facility Analytics & Reporting with full permission access.

Transaction Search is a recent addition to Facility Management and offers several new features that are not available within the existing tool.

Search: Offers multi-site selection, standard search fields and date range.

Advanced Search: Offers additional search fields and the ability to include cancelled tickets within your search results.

2.2. Mass Management

Mass Breach Configuration: This tool is used to set mass breach classifications. Classifications set here will be available within the Facility Core Product (Mandalay CS) - Ticketing as well as the Overloaded Vehicles Report.

For more detailed information, refer to this article: Facility Management - Mass Management.

Overloaded Vehicles Report: A Report used to locate and assess mass breached tickets that have been recorded in the Facility Core Product (Mandalay CS) – Ticketing.

2.3. Data Export

As part of Mandalay's commitment to deprecate WBR (Web Based Reporting) this Feature has been added to Facility Management and will allow you to request and download data as generated CSVs.

For more detailed information, refer to this article: Facility Management - Data Export

2.4. Paged Reports

Paged Reports give users the ability to generate a styled report, similar to the way reports are run in Mandalay's legacy reporting tool, Web Based Reporting (WBR). Data is aggregated in a styled format and the report applies page breaks between clients. The report is generated as a PDF.

For more detailed information, refer to this article: Facility Management - Paged Reports.

2.5. Reporting

Operational Reporting: Contains reports based on day-to-day operations from Ticketing. Reports are set out in 6 Different Categories with several reports available within each of those categories. Categories include Client, Product, Compliance, Transactions, Payments, and Temporary Accounts.

Administration: Administration reports draw on information from within the Facility Core product (Mandalay CS) - Administration tool. Reports include Contract Reports and Favourite Configuration Reports.

Security and Auditing: These reports include a Logon Audit report that provides details of when your team has logged in and out of various Facility Core Product (Mandalay CS) applications, including Ticketing, Administration, Configuration and Data Export.

System Status: Includes reports that provide system status information. The Data Sync Status Report lets you check if site POS machines are in sync with the cloud (naus). The Live Metrics Dashboard displays high level live streaming metrics information including total weights and number of transactions on site.

2.6. Time Sensitive Reporting

Time Sensitive Reporting provide a current view of the transactions flowing into your system with data becoming available as soon as it has synced to the cloud.Data available within Time Sensitive Reporting is limited to the previous 48hrs to ensure optimal performance is maintained and load times are reduced.

For more detailed information, refer to this article: Facility Management - Time Sensitive Reporting.

2.7. Insights

Insights offers a reporting suite with set reports that give insight into company operations. Reports provide a visual representation of your data.

2.8. Admin

The Admin area is used to manage group and user permissions within Facility Management. Only users with the FM Product Admin role will see this area.

For more detailed information, refer to this article: Facility Management - Admin (Access and Permissions).

3. How to view a report

1/ Reports have been grouped by topic. To view a report, click View Report on the relevant report group.

2/ There will be several different reports available within each report group, they will be listed across the bottom of the screen. To select a report, simply click on the tab.

In this example there are three reports, Client Summary (which is selected), Client Transactional Detail and Client Account and Product Totals.

3/ Once you have selected a report, we recommend hiding the filters pane. This is not needed when viewing a report and will provide more space to view the report.

To hide the filters pane simply click on the arrow beside Filters. See below.

Your Report will now expand to the full width of your window.

4. Report Layout

Below provides a breakdown of the different areas within a report.

4.1. Slicers

The controls across the top of a report are often called Slicers as they allow you to cut down or refine the information that you can see in a report.

Your data can be sliced in several different ways, depending on the report that you're working with.

As you update the slicers, the remaining slicer options will automatically update. This means that you will only be given options within each slicer that have relevant information available to them. For example:

  • If you have selected a particular product, only the sites where that product is available will remain visible.
  • If a client has not completed a transaction within your selected date range, that client will not appear in the list of clients within the slicer.

4.1.1. Date Slicer

To Change the date in the date slicer, click on the date you wish to update (FROM or TO).

Note: Dates will need to be updated correctly so they do not conflict with each another. For example, the TO date (highlighted in the example below) will need to fall after the FROM date.

Once clicked, a calendar pop up will appear.

Use the arrows to search for the date you need or click on the month and year to launch a further shortcut.

The additional shortcut will allow you to use the arrows to search for the year, then click on the month.

After selecting the month, select the day. This will then apply the date slicer selections to the report.

4.1.2. Remaining Slicers

To further refine your report, go through and update each of the remaining slicers.

Select all: will select all items.

Custom selection: use the check boxes to select some items.

Search: each slicer includes a Search field that will help you to find items within the slicer.

4.2. Exporting your report

When you click on the body of the report a set of yellow boxes will appear. The last square contains an ellipsis (3 dots), click this to reveal a dropdown list of additional options.

Click Export Data.

A pop-up will appear. Follow the prompts to export your report to Excel.

Note: Currently reports can only be exported as an Excel file.