Mandalay CS 3.2Finance Guide to Mandalay CSInterfaces to other systemsHow do I manage my ledger code mapping in the Date Export tool

How do I manage my ledger code mapping in the Date Export tool

The Data Export tool provided by Mandalay to run the integration between Mandalay CS and a financial system has a feature that allows general ledger code mappings to products or zones, these can then also be broken down further by client category.

The follow article explains how to manage these ledger code mappings in the Data Export tool.

Opening the Ledger Mapping tool

Opening the Ledger Mapping tool

Run the Data Export tool and select the Ledger Mappings menu item.

Adding a new mapping

Adding a new mapping
  1. After opening the ledger mapping tool click on the filter button to show a list of all active mappings
  2. Click on the Add button to create a new record.
  3. Select either product or cartage zone applicable for this mapping.
  4. Select a client category if its necessary to break the codes down by this level. (If client categories are not being used then ensure this item does not change as its not possible to remove the client category once selected)
  5. Set the applicable date period for the GL code. This is provided so new codes can be automatically used at a specific date and time. The default should be sufficient.
  6. Enter the GL code for this mapping.
  7. Click on the Apply button

How to remove a GL code mapping.

How to remove a GL code mapping.
  1. Set any filter options to assist in locating the mapping entry and then press the filter button.
  2. Select the inactive check box. (Because of a defect in the system you will need to move the cursor to the ledger code field before going to the next step)
  3. Press the Apply button and the press the Filter button again to refresh the list.

Note: If you select another mapping after this you will notice that the inactive flag is still set. This is a false indication and should be ignored. It is probably best to close down the Ledger Mapping screen and re open it to remove this problem.

Re-instating a deactivated mapping

Re-instating a deactivated mapping
  1. Check the list inactive option in the filter section.
  2. Press the filter button.
  3. Locate the mapping you want to re-instate.
  4. Un check the inactive option. (Because of a defect you will need to first check the check box and then un check it before moving to the ledger code box to ensure the flag is removed from the record)
  5. Press the Apply button and then the Filter button to refresh the list.

Tip: Un check the List Inactive check box and press the Filter button to see the active list.