Mandalay CS 3.2Weighbridge Operations with Mandalay CS3Standard TransactionsHow to trigger a split weigh transaction for existing vehicle

How to trigger a split weigh transaction for existing vehicle

If a weighbridge is to small to capture the complete weight of a load it is possible for the system to automatically capture 2 weights and combine them for a summed amount. To do this the system must be configured correctly and the specific vehicles involved need to a have data setup against them in the system.

This lesson assumes that the system has been configured correctly and the vehicle data is setup correctly. Refer to this vehicle management manual for details on how to setup a vehicle ready for split weighs.

Article on Split Weigh configuration below:

How to configure a weighbridge for split weigh transactions – Mandalay Technologies (

First part of split weigh

First part of split weigh

Bring vehicle on to the bridge for the first part of the weigh.

Note: *** The vehicle must be on the weighbridge before starting a split weigh transaction. ***

Start a transaction

Start a transaction

Start a transaction by selecting the vehicle from the vehicle list.

Select all transaction data

Select all transaction data

Collect all data required to complete the transactions

Trigger the split weigh process

Trigger the split weigh process

Click on the store (or print button if stored tares available or this is the outbound weigh)

Prompt for split weigh

Prompt for split weigh

A prompt will be displayed advising that the vehicle should move forwards to the second position.

Split weigh complete

Split weigh complete

The system will automatically capture the summed weights once the weight is stables for a period of time. If no stored tare is available then the vehicle will appear in the out list.

Capturing the tare either from the outbound screen or the manual retare option will follow the same process for requesting split weights.