How to reopen the last till shift?

If a till shift if inadvertently closed during a till check or during an operator shift change, it is possible to reopen the previous shift. The previous shift can be reopened at any time during the current shift and all relevant transaction and payment information captured during the current shift will be applied to the previous shift.

To be able to do this a user must be assigned the reopen till shift permission which is available as a security permission for users in the Administration program.


Reopen Shift

Reopen Shift

To reopen the previous shift:

  1. Click on the X system menu in the top right of the ticketing system.
  2. Click on the Reopen Shift button.

Enter Credentials

Enter Credentials

Provide the credentials for a user that is authorised to reopen a till shift.

Once authorised the current shift will be deactivated and all payments and transactions will be transferred.

Note: This will affect the shift product totals appearing on tickets, so that it will now includes the values from the reopened till shift.

User Permission: In order to reopen the shift the user will need the permission called Reopen Shift.