Mandalay CS 3.2Creating Reports for Mandalay CS3 in WBREditing ReportsChanging a details report into a summary report

Changing a details report into a summary report

Sometimes it is not necessary to see all the details in a report and just the summary totals is all that is required. If a detailed report is available that could make a good summary report then use the following steps to change it from a details to a summary report.

The report used for this example was created in the lesson Create a report that shows product deliveries

This report is grouped by Product so the summary report will be based on the product sub totals.

Note: If you want to keep the original detailed report then you should make a copy of the report

Edit existing report

Edit existing report

Locate the report that is to be altered and select the edit icon in the right hand list.

Go to the Columns tab

Go to the Columns tab

Remove redundant columns

Remove redundant columns

Some columns in the detail report wlll no longer be needed as they are not used in the summary totals ( E.g. LicensePlate). These columns can be removed from the report by going to the Columns tab and selecting the Remove button next to each column. If a column is still needed for filtering then do not remove it.

Remove the following columns from the edited report.

  • ClientName - Not needed.
  • DateOut - Not needed.
  • LicesensePlate - Not needed.

Note: We did not remove the TicketNumber column as it is used to show the number of tickets used in a group. We also did not remove the ProductStockUnit column as we still want to see the stock unit against each product in the report




Ticket Count column

Ticket Count column

Add an alias to the TicketNumber column

Hide the DateOut column

Hide the DateOut column

The DateOut columns is still needed for filterting so we just need to hide it from the report.

Change to the Sections tab

Change to the Sections tab

Show the ProductStockUnit in the sumary data

Show the ProductStockUnit in the sumary data

So that we can see the stock unit for a product we will set the Location for this column to Detail and above (has aggregate) with an aggregate of First. This will then show the first value of this column from the group which will be the same for each item in the detail.

Change to a summary report

Change to a summary report

To make the report a summary report just check the Summary Report option.

Save and view the report

Save and view the report
  1. Save the report.
  2. View the report

View the changed report

View the changed report

The report can now be run with current data.

  1. Set the DateOut criteria to a period the report needs to be run for.
  2. Generate the report
  3. Results are now summarised for the filtered criteria