Changing the logo in the report header

The logo that appears in the header of the report can be adjusted by uploading a replacement logo. The image should be in JPG format and be able to fit in a space 4cm wide and 0.75cm high. The pixel size for the image is not important as it will be scaled down to fit the space available. The scaling down will also maintain proportions, so the ratio for width to height should be 1:5.333.

Log into WBR

Log into WBR

Log into the WBR system using a user with Report Administrator permissions.

Open setting screen

Open setting screen

Click on the settings button on the Main screen.

Upload new image

Upload new image

Click on the upload button

Select the image file

Select the image file

Find the image file on the computer and double click it or select it and click open

Close settings

Close settings

Close the settings screen by clicking Open

Test logo

Generate a report to test that the new logo is being displayed in the report