Mandalay CS 3.2Creating Reports for Mandalay CS3 in WBRCreating ReportsCreate a report that shows tickets that were canceled or replaced

Create a report that shows tickets that were canceled or replaced

Follow these steps to produce report that show details on tickets that were canceled and/or replaced

Create Report

Create Report

Click on the create report button to start creating a report

General Report Details

General Report Details
  1. Enter a name for the report
  2. Describe what the report is showing
  3. Select the Ticket Event Details view
  4. Select a template for the report. Using the A4 Landscape with 8pt Detail  provides the most amount of space for a report
  5. Enter a name for the folder the report will be saved in
  6. Click on the next button

Add Columns and change formatting

Add Columns and change formatting

1.    Add the following columns to the report

  • TicketNumber - The ticket number for the ticket that was canceled or replaces
  • Event - The reason for the cancellation of the ticket
  • EventTime - The time stamp that the event occurred at
  • EventNotes - Any notes that were captured against the event
  • Product - The primary product used in the ticket
  • AmountDue - The total amount that was due for this transactions
  • RefTicketNumber - The ticket number for the ticket that replaced the original
  • EventTypeID - Link to the list of event types. This will be used to only show the canceled to ticket event types

2.   Set the column widths as shown in the screen shot.

3.   Set the format of the EventTime column to dd/mm/yy hh:mm

4.   Hide EventTypeID as it is only used for filtering

5.   Click on the next button

Sorting and Grouping settings

Sorting and Grouping settings
  1. Set the Event column as a grouped column
  2. Set the sort type for the EventTime column as Ascending and make sure it is number 2 in the sort order
  3. Click on the next button

Set columns that can be filtered

Set columns that can be filtered

Set the Ticketnumber , Event and EventTime as Allow Filter.

Set the filter for the EventTypeID column

Set the filter for the EventTypeID column

Click on the filter button for the EventTypeID column

Select the filtering for the EventTypeID column

Select the filtering for the EventTypeID column
  1. Check the Cancel Ticket Reason event type.
  2. Click ok

Review filtering setting

Review filtering setting

The Filtering page should appear as above.

Click on the next button when ready

Summary data settings

Summary data settings
  1. Change the aggregate option for TicketNumber to COUNT so that the number of items in the group are shown.
  2. Except for the Event column set the remaining columns to a location of Detail only (no aggregate)
  3. Click on the Save button
  4. Click on the view button

View the new report

View the new report

The report can now be run with current data.

  1. Set the EventTime criteria to a period the report needs to be run for.
  2. Generate the report