Mandalay CS 3.2Finance Guide to Mandalay CSConfigurationHow to setup a surcharge for a payment method

How to setup a surcharge for a payment method

The Mandalay system can add an additional surcharge for payments taken. This is managed on a per payment method, so you could setup a surcharge for AMEX payments but not for standard credit cards.

The amount of the surcharge is added to the transactions as an additional transaction item and will appear on the ticket as an each item.

The following article describes how to create and test surcharge.

Create Surcharge Product

Create Surcharge Product

The fee to be charged is managed from a product created in the system. This system is setup like most other products however it should not be available for selection by the operator and the stock unit should always be 'dollar'. Follow these steps once a new product record is created.

  1. Set the description of the product to be [Name of Payment type] Surcharge. e.g. Credit Card Surcharge. The system knows which payment type to apply the surcharge to from the payment type stated in the description.
  2. Set the stock unit to Dollar.
  3. Set the sell price to be the number of cents in each dollar that the surcharge is . e.g. 3% charge would be a price of $0.03 (or 3 cents)
  4. Un-tick the Allow Section option. This will stop the product from being available in the ticketing system.

Test Transaction

Test Transaction

To test the surcharge do a cash transaction and then select the payment method the surcharge was assigned to. Once selected the surcharge value will appear against the payment record and added to the transaction total.

Surcharge on ticket.

Surcharge on ticket.

The surcharge amount will appear on the transaction as an each item. It will require that the ticket template allow multiple items to be displayed otherwise the surcharge item will not be shown.

Implementing the surcharge

Implementing the surcharge

To help with the implementation of the surcharge it is possible to create a new price season that starts on the date you wish the surcharge to begin. You can then set the surcharge price to $0 for the current season and set the required surcharge amount against the new season.

Regulatory Waste Categories

Regulatory Waste Categories

If you have any of the Mandalay regulatory data packs loaded you will need set the categories to assign to these transaction items to ensure they are not reported back to the state government. You can do this from the General 2 tab in Configuration Manager

Hotkey Tickets

By default the Hotkey ticket template does not cater for showing multiple transaction line items. This is required to show the surcharge amount if used in a Hotkey transaction. Use the following steps to setup the Hotkey template to show the surcharge.

Note: The other templates do not need to be adjusted as they already cater for showing the surcharge.

Create Sub Template

Create Sub Template
  1. Locate the ticket templates folder in the Mandalay instalaltion directory.
  2. Make a copy of the tktEach_TicketItem.txt template and rename to tktHotKey_TicketItem.txt

Edit the Ticket Item template

Edit the Ticket Item template
  1. Open the tktHotKey_TicketItem.txt file in notepad.
  2. Delete all lines except the first line.
  3. Remove the *RAQTY* field.
  4. Save the file.

Edit the Hotkey template

Edit the Hotkey template
  1. Open the tktHotKey.txt template file in Notepad.
  2. Add *PRODUCT LINES* in the location where the surcharge description should go.
  3. Save the file.

Test Template

Test Template

Produce a hotkey ticket to check that the surcharge