How to cancel a voucher

If it is necessary to cancel a voucher that has been issued to a resident or client then follow these steps to ensure the code can no longer be used.

Electronic ID's Tab

Electronic ID's Tab

Go to the Electronic ID's tab in the Administration program.

Search for barcode

Search for barcode

Enter in the bar code at the top to see if the code already exists in the system. The code list will filter as you type so it may be slow if there is a number of barcodes listed. If the barcode can not be found then move to the next step other wise jump to the Canceling step.

Add non redeemed barcode

Add non redeemed barcode

To add a code either use the Scan button to use a Bar Code scanner to scan the code or press the the Add button to manually enter the code.

Manually add a code

Manually add a code
  1. Enter the barcode in the code box.
  2. If necessary change the type to Barcode
  3. Click on the process button to have the code processed and its different parts interpreted.



There are 2 ways to stop a bar code from being used.


Mark the barcode as inactive and press apply. This will result in the operator seeing the message that the bar code was canceled.

Usage Change

Change the Used value to the Limit. This will result in the operators seeing the message that their are no remaining usages.