How to search for a record (Simple)

The search feature in the Administration module works the same way across all types of data. This article explains how to use the basic search feature available for all lists.

Searching a List

Searching a List

To locate records in a list you can use the basic search feature. Do this by entering the search term in the box at the top of the list. The term can be a whole word or part of word. Then click the search button. The system will perform a wild card search on the term entered, which means it will check for partial matches. E.G setting the term to 'Disa' will return any results with the word Disaster in it.

Both the name and the reference code for an item will be searched for matched. E.G you could search for a client record by using the account number.

There is no option for AND or OR operations in this search. If you have 2 terms E.G. COM Disaster , then the system will treat these are one term.

Note: If a data item has a description and a code, search will check both fields for matches.

Inactive records

Inactive records

If inactive records need to be searched then the 'List Inactive' flag needs to be checked. This is located at the bottom of the list. Any search will now be performed against inactive records.

Tool Tips

Tool Tips

If you hover the mouse over an item in the list that is wider than the space available, a tool tip will appear showing the entire text.