How to configure ticketing to create new vehicles

It is possible in Mandalay CS for the operators to create vehicle from ticketing. By default this feature is disabled. This article explains how to to turn on  both the simple and the advanced vehicle creation option.

Turing on the simple vehicle creation in ticketing

Turing on the simple vehicle creation in ticketing

To allow ticketing operators to create vehicles from the ticketing system you will first need to start Configuration Manager and go to the Layout tab. From here check the option Vehicle Creation in Ticketing.

This will allow the operators to create a basic vehicle in the system. If they need access to more advanced features like linking clients and seting up stored tare options then follow next steps to activate the advanced features.

Turning on the advacned vehicle creation options

Turning on the advacned vehicle creation options

Check the Extended Vehicle Creation in Ticketing option to activate the avanced features.

You will also see a few other options available. These can be turned on as necessary and their details are as follows:

  • Vehicle Carrier Creation in Ticketing - This means the operator can create a new carrier when setuping up a new vehicle.
  • Create Client favourite - This will set the client selected as a favourite and the default also.
  • Ignore Actviity for Expiry by Default - This will mean any new vehicles will have the Ignore Activity option on by default.
  • Vehicle Configuration Mandatory - This inforces the selection of a vehicle configuration even if no stored tares are bing used.