Mandalay CS 3.2System Administration of Mandalay CS3Cloud ServicesHow to create RemoteApp short cuts for Mandalay cloud application

How to create RemoteApp short cuts for Mandalay cloud application

This article explains how to add short cuts to a Microsoft desktop that removes the need to use an internet browser to access the Mandalay applications.

Note: This is only available in Windows 7 or above

Control Panel

Control Panel

From the Windows Control Panel select the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection option.

Select Access RemoteApp and desktops

Connection URL

Connection URL

Enter as the URL for the connection and then press Next.

Confirm the connection by selecting the Next button.

Provide credentials

Provide credentials

Enter the account credentials provided to you as part of your cloud deployment.  Select the Remember my credentials option to prevent this screen from appearing each time a connection is attempted.

Note: Note you must include the mandalay domain name.

All available shortcuts will now be installed and made available through the Windows Start button under the Windows Resources menu.

Note: This screen shot was taken on Windows 10 and may appear different in previous versions of Microsoft Windows.