Mandalay CS 3.2System Administration of Mandalay CS3Ticketing ConfigurationHow to configure ticketing to record public weighbridge transactions

How to configure ticketing to record public weighbridge transactions

This article explains how to configure Mandalay Ticketing to allow public weighbridge transaction to be captured using the Public Weigh feature in Mandalay CS.

Note: You must be licensed to provide public weighbridge services and you should contact your local authority if you are unsure of this.

Configuration Manager

Configuration Manager

Start the Configuration Manager program and go to the Public tab.

  1. Check the Use Public Weigh option to activate Public Weigh for the local computer.
  2. If the In Bridge on this computer is used for public weigh then provide the license number. (This will only appear if an In Scale is configured in the Hardware section)
  3. If the Out Bridge on this computer is used for public weigh then provide the license number. (This will only appear if an Out Scale is configured in the Hardware section)
  4. Licensee Name name of the holder for the public weigh license.
  5. Set the number of tickets that must be produced for public weigh tickets.
  6. Set this flag if 2 or more tickets are printed and it is required to indicate that the first one is the original and subsequent tickets show duplicate.
  7. Text that is printed on the ticket if a field is empty.
  8. The time in hours that a vehicle must return for the second weigh in a GTN public weigh transaction.
  9. This is the message the appears for GTN tickets to remind the driver when they have to return.
  10. These 5 settings are used when a state regulatory data pack is loaded and all transactions require classification. If no data pack loaded then they can be left blank.
  11. Turn this on if the ticket numbers produced should be distinguishable from normal transaction tickets.

Public Weigh Products

Public Weigh Products

Each public weigh transaction uses a system product to set the price to be charged. These products are deployed with the system and their description and code can not be changed.

There are 3 products:

  • PublicGMO - Gross Mass Only
  • PublicGTN - Gross Tare Net
  • PublicTMO - Tare Mass Only

To charge a price for these transactions use the Sell Prices section to set a price per tonne. The standard product price category/season model is available for public weigh tickets, contracts can not be used to set Public Weigh prices.

Tip: If you want set a flat rate then set the Unitary flag at the end of the price band.

Ticket Template

Ticket Template

Each type of public weigh ticket has its own ticket template. These templates are required and if they do not exist in the Ticket Templates folder they can be found in the Sample Ticket Templates folder. The template format should not generally be changed as they are formatted to meet official requirements for these type of tickets.

Mandalay License Key

Mandalay License Key

In order to use the Public Weigh feature the instance of Mandalay CS needs to be registered with the Public Weigh option. If you have done the configuration above and you do not see this button in ticketing then your instance of Mandalay CS is not registered to use Public Weigh and will need to be re-registered with a CD key that has the Public Weigh feature included.

Contact Mandalay support if you require a reissue of the CD key. Make sure to mention that you need a re-issue of a key with the Public Weigh feature so they can advise you on how to perform a re-registration.