Mandalay CS 3.2Client Management in Mandalay CS3ContractsHow to setup a cartage charge for a contract

How to setup a cartage charge for a contract

In some situations if may be necessary to default a cartage charge for transactions captured against a contract. The following steps explain how to assign a cartage charge to contract.

The steps assume that a cartage rate has already been setup in the system and that the system is configured to charge cartage. The Product Management manual explains how to setup cartage rates and the see you system administrator about configuration of the system.

Identify the applicable cartage rate

Identify the applicable cartage rate

Start administration and look at the cartage tab.

Look through the zones listed to identify the applicable cartage rate. Create a new one if the rate required is not available.

Locate the contract

Locate the contract

Go to the contract tab and select the contract you wish to apply the cartage to.

Create a new contract is necessary

Select the applicable Zone

Select the applicable Zone

Select a zone from the zone drop down box. This will be the cartage rate that is applied to any transaction this contract is used in.

Test in ticketing

Test in ticketing

Start ticketing and select a vehicle. Select the appropriate contract under the contract button.

  1. Contract selected.
  2. Zone automatically applied
  3. Flat rate cartage applied to transaction