How to create an account client

An account client is a customer that is invoiced for transactions captured through Mandalay, at a later date. This is generally managed through a financial system like MYOB.

The following instructions show how to create a basic account customer. It will cover the essentials required to setup a client record. This process can also be used to create internal billing customers also (see the final step)

Client Tab in Admin

Client Tab in Admin

Open the Administration program and select the Clients tab.

Note: If you don't see this tab then you do not have permissions to manage clients.

Create new record

Create new record

Click on the Add button at the bottom left of the screen.

Account Number and Company Name

Account Number and Company Name

The account number and the company name are mandatory when creating a customer so they should be populated first.

  1. Client Account # - This can be any number but if the account is related to an entry in a financial system this should be number from that system.
  2. Company Name - Provide a name of the client. This should the name that the operator will be presented with.

Contact Details

Contact Details

It is not necessary to enter the contact details but may be helpful for account management procedures.

  1. Billing Address - The address that any invoicing should be sent to.
  2. Physical Address - The actual street address of the customer.
  3. Contact Name - The name of the contact at the customer office.
  4. Phone / Fax - The phone and fax number for contacting the customer.

Client Category

In some cases your system will have a client category available. Select the applicable category if available.

Number of Tickets to Print

The number of tickets to print will define how many tickets get printed when a transaction is complete for this customer. This is usually a business decision based on your requirements and the system should be setup with a default value to cover the most common requirements.

In most commercial operations a customer will not want the driver to see the price on the ticket so this should be un-ticked in this case. There may be cases where this is needed for account customers so can be overridden if required.

Note: For cash clients this will need to be on to be able to produce a valid Tax Invoice (see article for creating cash clients)

Requires Order Number

This option can be used to enforce an order number be collected for each ticket. This may be a direct request from the customer that each transaction be related to a reference number that will be provided at the time of the transaction. A Default Order No could also be captured.

Cash Client and For Transaction Export

As we are setting up an account customer the Cash Client option should be un checked and if the transactions captured need to be sent to a financial system such as MYOB then the For Transaction Export option must be checked.

Apply Changes

Apply Changes

Once the data has been applied click on the Apply button to save the changes

Internal Customer

Internal customers are entities or departments within your organisation that needs to have there activity tracked. For these type of customers we are still maintaining an account for them so the setup of the client record is similar to the account setup but we will generally not charge GST, print tickets or send transnational information to a finance system.

It may also be required that a work order be recorded against the transaction so that correct billing can occur. IN this case we would indicate that the client Requires Order Number.

  1. Tax Applicable - If cost is being tracked for internal billing then you will generally not want to include GST. Un-ticking the GST Applicable option will remove GST from the cost of the transaction.
  2. Requires Order Number - Ticking this option will ensure that each transaction will receive a work order. Refer to this article for additional methods of recording work orders for internal client.
  3. # Tickets to Print - In most cases you do not need any tickets for internal customers so setting this to 0 will stop any from printing.
  4. For Transaction Export - Unless you are managing your internal departments as debtor accounts in your financial system you would not want records to be sent to this system. So un-ticking this will ensure any transactions are excluded from the integration with the finance system.