How to create a cash client

A cash client is a customer that pays at the time of the transaction using non account payment methods. This could be either cash, eftpos, or voucher payment methods.

A generic cash client can be created for managing most cash customers however if it is necessary to keep track of a specific cash customers transactions then a dedicated cash client record can be created.

Client Tab in Admin

Client Tab in Admin

Open the Administration program and select the Clients tab.

Note: If you don't see this tab then you do not have permissions to manage clients.

Create new record

Create new record

Click on the Add button at the bottom left of the screen.

Account Number and Company Name

Account Number and Company Name

The account number and the company name are mandatory when creating a customer so they should be populated first.

  1. Client Account # - For cash clients this can generally be any alphanumeric code. E.G. CASH . If it is intended that cash sales be exported to a finance system then this should be the account number in the finance system used for cash sales.
  2. Company Name - Provide a description to allow operators to distinguish this client from other listed accounts. Using the name Cash is acceptable.

Contact Details

It is not necessary to enter the contact details for cash client records.

Client Category

Client Category

In some cases your system will have a client category available. Select the applicable category if available.

Default Price Category

Default Price Category

If you are using price categories to provide different pricing levels for products you will need to determine the default pricing level that a cash client customer should receive.

Generally Base Price is considered the rate for external customers that do not have any negotiated discounts. Other price categories may be available for internal, negotiated rates and trade rate customers.

Number of Tickets to Print

Number of Tickets to Print

The number of tickets to print will define how many tickets get printed when a transaction is complete for this customer. This is usually a business decision based on your requirements and the system should be setup with a default value to cover the most common requirements. Cash customers should receive at least 1 ticket so that they can receive a tax invoice.

Print Price on Ticket

Because cash sale customers require a tax invoice this should always be set to be active for cash clients.

Cash Client and For Transaction Export

Cash Client and For Transaction Export

As we are setting up an cash customer the Cash Client option should be checked.

The For Transaction Export does not need to be un checked as the interfaces to financial systems will exclude cash transactions unless otherwise specified.

Apply Changes

Apply Changes

Once the data has been applied click on the Apply button to save the changes