Unit Price Calculation in MandalayCS

When a weighed transaction is created, the system will work out the chargeable price as weight x unit cost. The result will calculate to 2 decimal places and display as cents. The is reflected in the Web Based Reporting (WBR) ticket details view. 

At times users will notice a slight variance to the calculated unit price during reporting/invoicing, this is because the system back calculates unit price. That is, the charged price divided by the quantity.

The system's behaviour is better understood by looking at the two scenarios:

Scenario 1: Rounding

Administration - Product Tab

Example a)

Mixed Waste at 0.11 net weight

When the transaction is created the system will work out the chargeable price as 0.11 x 220.40 which will calculate to $24.244 and because you have to round money values this equates to $24.24 . Now when we display the unit price we have to show the calculated price which will be $24.24 divided by the quantity which is 220.363636363636 so rounded this will be $220.37. 


Example b)

Mixed Waste at 0.12 net weight

When the transaction is created the system will work out the chargeable price as 0.12 x 220.40 which will calculate to $26.448 and because you have to round money values this equates to $26.45 . Now when we display the unit price we have to show the calculated price which will be $26.45 divided by the quantity which is 220.4166666 so rounded this will be $220.42. 

Scenario 2: Minimum Charge

Administration - Product Tab

Example a)

C&D Waste at 0.20 net weight

When the transaction is created the system will work out the chargeable price as 0.20 x 170.00 which will calculate to $34 and because there is a minimum charge it will default to $85. Now when we display the unit price we have to show the calculated price which will be $85 divided by the quantity which is $425. 


Example b)

C&D Waste at 0.45 net weight

When the transaction is created the system will work out the chargeable price as 0.45 x 170.00 which will calculate to $76.50 and because there is a minimum charge it will default to $85. Now when we display the unit price we have to show the calculated price which will be $85 divided by the quantity which is $188.89. 

Note: The Ticket Template can be adjusted to not display the calculated Unit Price on dockets.