How to setup pricing for a new season

This article outlines the steps involved in setting up new seasons, and season specific product prices. It is handy to pre-configure your seasonal prices in advance, and apply them per product.

It is important to remember that season specific product prices will only be applied at the start of the relevant season, and current pricing will not be effected by the system changes.

New Season

New Season

To create a new season, please follow the steps below:

  1. In Mandalay CS - Administration select the Seasons tab, and click on the Add button to create new season.
  2. Enter a name for your season.
  3. Set the From date as the date you would like the new prices to start from.
  4. Set the To date to a date in the future. This will generally be when you expect the following pricing season to end. However to be safe it is better to set this to a few months or 12 months after you expect the season to end. This is because if the current season ends and there is no new season created the pricing will fall back to the default season which is your original pricing. Note: If you are setting this date to the 30th of June then make sure the time is set to 23:59:59
  5. Click Apply to save you changes.
  6. On the "Copy Previous Pricing" message box, select the option that you need. In most cases you will select the Yes button so that all the prices form the current season are added to the next season if you don't you will have to setup prices for all products not just the ones that are changing.
  7. To speed up the process of setting prices click the 'Use this season for this Administration session'. This will make the season selected the default season while the Administration program is running so you do not need keep selecting it after selecting a new product.

Note: The end of the current season will be truncated to the start of the new season if the seasons overlap.

Create Product Price for your Season

Create Product Price for your Season

To configure season specific prices per product, please follow the step outlined below:

  1. Select the product, and in the Season drop down box select your new season. (If you have set the 'Use this season for this Administration session' option on the seasons tab then you should not need to do this)
  2. Set the new price for the product. If you have not copied the prices from the current season then you will need to add a new price band.
  3. If you have multiple price categories then you will need to go through each and set the price accordingly.
  4. Click on Apply to save your changes, and you are done.

Testing the Prices

Testing the Prices

If you have a test site configured in the Mandalay system then you can test the new prices by selecting the test site, when starting the Ticketing program. When you start ticketing you will be prompted with the above form which allows you select the date that ticketing is running under.