OEH Reporting

This section covers the OEH reporting, and how to correct any missing OEH data.

Under the System Reports, there is a NSW OEH reports folder with four supplied system reports:

  • Export EPA Data. A report for producing a raw data export with all OEH data and other information
  • OEH Data Check. A report that shows transactional data with OEH data  used to verify and validate the OEH data captured for transactions
  • OEH Missing Data Check. A report that shows transactions which are missing OEH data
  • Section 88 Report. A report which contains data used for completing the Section 88 submission

OEH Data Check Reports

The OEH data check reports is provided to give an indication of the completeness of your OEH data on transactions.

There are two supplied data check reports in the NSW OEH reports folder:

  • OEH Data Check. This data shows transactional data with the OEH category codes
  • OEH Missing Data Check. This report shows the transactions that are missing at least one of the OEH categories:
    • Waste Stream
    • Waste Sub Stream
    • Material Composition

The use of these reports are discussed in the following section.

Missing Data Correction

Missing Data Correction

You can also run the “OEH Data Check” report for the reporting month to see all transactions, and spot the transactions are missing OEH data codes.

If the transactions are missing the OEH codes (eg the waste stream) they won’t appear on the Section 88 report as they cannot be categorised.

You can fix this via administration using the Submissions tab. This gives you the ability to correct either individual transactions, or bulk correct matching tickets for missing data.

The intent of a Submission process is to validate the transactions for a period according to the requirements for the data, to ensure the required codes etc are populated. There is no specific Submission process for NSW OEH, as this is currently supplied as a data pack, not a software release. However, the Submissions tab still has the ability to perform transaction corrections.

For example, the report shows that there are missing code, and you can see that with the pattern that there a lot of these have the same product and company  these are ideal candidates for bulk corrections.

Firstly, go to the submission tab and create a new submission for the reporting month you are interested in:


  1. Click New
  2. Set the type to NSW OEH
  3. Set the date range to the applicable range.

Select the submission for the month in question. Then, enter a ticket number (a sample one you have identified in the report) and click the Edit button.

This will then bring up details for the ticket. As you can see, this shows the blank EPA data. Note that the names here are not OEH naming:

  • Waste Class is the Waste Sub-Stream
  • Waste Material is the Material Composition Code

Select the values you require, and click Apply.

The Bulk Correction screen will then be displayed.

NOTE: If you have not selected a submission, you will not get the ability to perform a bulk correction, it will just apply to the current ticket.

The bulk correction window gives options for applying the code changes you have made to tickets that match either the product and vehicle, or product and client. In the example you have selected, it is using a generic customer vehicle, but all for the same client  and if the update it applied for the same client/product combination, more transactions can be corrected.


Select the options you require, and click OK to process.

Wait until the records have completed processing.

Re-running the report will then show the tickets matching the missing data now complete.

The OEH Missing Data report can also bs used to spot transactions with missing data. Run this report and correct data until nothing appears in the report.


No more corrections required so the Section 88 Report can now be created.

Section 88 Report

Section 88 Report

Once the data corrections are complete, you can generate the Section 88 Report.

You will need to select the date and site. The date selection is manual as there is currently no submission process. Enter the date in the format ‘YYYY/MM’. Eg, for August 2012, enter 2012/08.

Click Edit against the date column to enter the date.

On the Filter form, click Add.

Type the date in directly as 2012/08 (August 2012). Then click OK to save the filter.

Then select the site, and/or the facility.

Click Generate Report to produce the Section 88 Report.

Export EPA Data

The “Export EPA Data” report is provided to generate a raw data export for NSW OEH requirements.

To produce this report, simply select the “Export EPA Data” report and click the ‘Generate Raw Data’ button

You will be prompted where you wish to save the raw data export. Select a location, and save the file.

If you are required to generate the data for a subset (eg a particular month) just specify the report filters