Mandalay CS 3.2Regulatory ReportingTasmaniaHow do I record movements between 2 facilities on the same physical site so they are reported against both facilities?

How do I record movements between 2 facilities on the same physical site so they are reported against both facilities?

Where a physical site has 2 different licensed facilities (e.g Transfer Station and Landfill) and there are waste movements between the 2 facilities, the movement will need to be reported against both facilities. Although its possible to record a single transaction where the source is one facility and the destination is the other, this will only result in one transactions being recorded and will not be reported. In order to ensure the data is reported correctly the system needs to generate 2 transaction one for the movement out of the first facility and the other for the movement into the second facility. The Mandalay system has a process for managing this using Internal movement contracts. These contracts are applied to the transaction when it is recorded and will ensure the 2 transactions are created.

The following explains how to setup these contracts and record a transaction for the transfer.

Internal Movement Contract

Create a contract in Administration to be used for each material type that will be transferred.

  1. Link to an internal client.
  2. Link to the locations where the transfer is occurring between.
  3. Select the Internal Movement contract type.
  4. Select the product to be used for the inbound movement into the destination. (the item without the outbound option set)
  5. Select the product to be used for the outbound movement from the source. (the item with the outbound option set)

Note: Both products can be the same but to ensure you don't end up doubling up in reports it is advised to use 2 different products.

To assist with the process of recording these movements, its possible to link this contract to a specific vehicle used for the transfers. Any time this vehicle is used the internal movement contract will be applied.

Transfer Transaction

When recording this transfer in Ticketing make sure the contract is selected. The process the transaction as normal with weights where applicable.

Once recorded the transaction will appear as 2 distinct transactions in Ticket history

When viewing either of these tickets a link to the other ticket will be presented and one of the locations will show as Internal movements.