Mandalay CS 3.2Regulatory ReportingQueenslandHow do I setup my data for End Of Waste reporting?

How do I setup my data for End Of Waste reporting?

To support the new requirement to present an End Of Waste code in the detailed data file submitted to QWDS, a Levy Exemption event is required to be created and then linked to the product that is being used to report End of Waste movements. Along with the exemption event and code the product will need to be setup as non waste but the End Of Waste material type should be used.

Levy Exemption Event - EOW

Setup a Levy Exemption and apply it to your product.

Non Waste Product Setup

Setup the product as a EOW non waste.

Detailed Data File

One the data has been setup as shown above and a transaction recorded against this product, the Regulatory system will recognise the transaction as End Of Waste and the code captured will be presented in the permit field of the detailed data file.