Mandalay CS 3.2Regulatory ReportingQueenslandHow do I manage historical ticket changes once the new QLD levy requirements are in place (2022)?

How do I manage historical ticket changes once the new QLD levy requirements are in place (2022)?

With the introduction of new requirements related to submitting data to the QLD Department of Environment and Sciences (DES) coming into effect 1 July 2022, the need to ensure transactions are reported against the correct classifications for their effective data has highlighted some requirements on how changes to pre July 2022 transactions will need to occur once the new classifications have been applied to the master data.

Once you have changed your source locations to the new MLZ or RLZ codes and replacement transactions will automatically inherit these codes. This is a problem for pre July transactions as QWDS will not accept the new codes for this historical data. The following procedures should be used when replacing or backdating transactions for pre July but after you have applied the new codes to your locations COB 30th of June.

Note: The naus Regulatory Management submission process will check to ensure a ticket is using the codes that are valid for its effective date and will report them as errors during the submission generation process.

During the process of replacing a ticket its possible to adjust any of the regulatory classification data that is pre-defined for the data used in the transaction. This is can be done by pressing the EPA button on the second set of data points and then changing the Waste Source code.

If you don't see the old Levy Zone code then you may only be seeing the favorites listed. This will mean will need to select the All button at the bottom right to see the full list of Waste Source codes.

Note: If you don't see the All button then you will need to allow the option to see non favorites. This can be found in Configuration Manager as shown below.

Using the bulk ticket editor to correct the codes (advanced users only)

The bulk ticket editor is available for adjusting the regulatory classifications of transactions that are about to be submitted to QWDS through the naus Regulatory Management application. This article will explain how to use this feature.

The bulk ticket editor can be used to correct replacement transactions where regulatory classification data has defaulted to codes that are not valid for the effective date of the transaction.

NOTE: Mandalay recommends using the first method provided of changing the codes during the replacement process rather than the bulk editor as the bulk editor is an advanced feature and should only be used if familiar with the functionality.